February 13, 2025


Taste the Home & Environment

Global Warming: Measures to Limit it

Global Warming: Measures to Limit it

Global warming is certainly not a recent issue, but its effects are becoming more and more evident and tangible, and it is no longer possible to turn a blind eye.

To preserve resources and the environment and to safeguard the continuation of life on Earth and a satisfactory level of well-being for future generations, it is essential to realise that every action we take has a more or less marked impact on the environmental balance and climate. Starting from reducing plastic waste to the implementation of renewable energy sources, changing our habits, not only as private citizens, but also as entrepreneurs, industrialists or politicians, is the first step to take to prevent the situation from reaching a point of no return.

Governments around the world, led by those in the EU, are constantly working to find new solutions and set targets that can help the planet regain its equilibrium.

Global warming: what it is and what are its causes

Global warming is the phenomenon that leads to a rise in average temperatures and has been particularly evident since 1800.

The problem is due to the excessive emission of harmful substances into the air, primarily CO2, produced by industrial processes and, more generally, by human activities. These substances lead to an increase in greenhouse gas levels, further intensified by deforestation and intensive livestock farming, and they are the primary cause of the rise in temperatures and the onset of extreme weather conditions.

The European Union and the fight against climate change

The European Union has not remained unconcerned about the problem and, for several years now, has been trying to find solutions to limit the damage of the industrialised countries’ development on the climate and the ecosystem, setting itself the main goal of achieving climate neutrality.

Since the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty dating back to 1995 focused on reducing the release of greenhouse gases into the environment by signatory countries, many steps have been taken.

In 2015, through the Paris Agreement, the leaders of the UNFCCC member countries set some new goals related to the fight against climate change, including the willingness to keep the temperature increase below 2°C and the willingness to support and help developing countries to assist them in this process.

In 2019, through the Green Deal, the EU has identified a series of initiatives that should make it possible to eliminate greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 thus achieving carbon neutrality and Net Zero. These concepts are well explained in the article published on the blog of Prysmian Group, a world leader in the production and laying of electrical and telecommunications cables, committed to finding sustainable and cutting-edge solutions.

The European Council approved a new climate legislation in 2021 to help achieve the targets, which among other things provides for the establishment of a scientific committee that will be responsible for advising and reporting on the measures taken and the goals achieved.

In addition to this, the new legislation requires member countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 55 per cent compared to 1990, to be achieved by 2030.